ROOTS (PK Programming)
To be added to a waitlist please email Rebecca, our Children’s Ministries Director at Rebecca.Pettit@pathwayschurch.us.
Parents, kids grades kindergarten through 5th will have the opportunity to participate in mid-week programming we call Roots. This will be a weekly commitment that runs throughout the school year. Join us for a time of extended children’s programming that includes worship, games, and small group sessions geared for your child to dig deeper and get rooted in who they are in Christ.
Roots will take place every Wednesday beginning September 11 until May 21, from 6:30PM - 7:45PM in the Elementary Lower Level space.
We are in need of small group leaders and helpers for Roots- If you are interested in having fun with us Wednesday nights, register below.
Community is important not just for your kids, but for you as well! That is why we offer a parent’s Small Group on Wednesday evenings while your kids are gathering for Roots and Pathways Students. After you drop off your kiddo(s), come hang out in the Family Room from 6:30-7:45PM – it is a convenient way to connect with other parents without adding to your busy schedule. No registration is necessary – just show up when you can!
Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

4/5th Grade Ministry
4/5th grade children are invited to join us on Sunday, March 30 from 11:30AM-1PM.
We will meet on the last Sunday of every month.
This is a curriculum-based small group with a heavy emphasis on building disciples and servants.
Lunch will be provided. Registration is required and is limited to 20 children.

Women's Connection Night
Join us for our ONE YEAR anniversary of Women's Connection Nights!
March 31, 2025 from 7-9PM at Rolling Thunder Lanes at 934 Byrd Avenue, Neenah.
Pre-registration is required for bowling (no charge if you are just coming to hang out).
It's going to be such a fun night of connection! We will also have delicious treats by Rosie's Sweet Treats!

A Night of Worship & Prayer
Join us on Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30PM for a night of worship and prayer for the whole family!

Kids Night Out!
Parents…do you need a date night? Some time alone? A night out with friends?
Whatever you need, bring your child, ages 3 through grade 5, to Kid’s Night Out at Pathways Church on Friday, April 11 from 5:30-7:30PM.
This is a FREE event and includes dinner, crafts, and games! Your kiddos won’t want to miss it!
Registration is required and closes on Sunday, April 6.

Easter Sunday
Join us for Easter at Pathways Church on Sunday, April 20 at our 8:30 & 10AM services!

PK Let's Glow Crazy
Join us as our preschool and elementary kids GLOW CRAZY on Sunday, April 27, during both the 8:30AM & 10AM services in Pathways Kids.

2025 Adventure Camp - Save the date!
Save the date for Adventure Camp - July 21 - 25, 2025.
This week-long morning camp is for 5-11-year-olds. They will spend each morning with us (9AM-noon) learning about God’s love for them through lively worship songs, lawn games, crafts, messages from our pastors and small group time.
This year’s theme is “Be A Hero!”
We will teach kids how God used ordinary people, and how God has equipped each one of us to "Be a Hero."
Registration for kids will go live in April.
Until then…we would love for you to be part of Adventure Camp!
We need dozens of volunteers to help us make this camp a success. From helping with games, crafts, leading worship songs or being a team leader, we’ll find the perfect place to fit your preference and schedule.
Please click our registration link to sign up today!

No Next Gen Programming
There will be no evening programming on March 23 or 26 for spring break.
No High School Students - Sunday, March 23
No ROOTS and Middle School Students - Wednesday, March 26
(MVMNT and Pathways Kids will still meet during their regular Sunday morning services!)

Child Dedication Class
A child is a God-given trust (Psalm 127:3) and Child Dedication is a ceremony that signifies a parent’s commitment and pledge to uphold that trust by raising their child in a Christian home and church where he or she can come to know, love and serve Jesus.
It also signifies a commitment by the people of Pathways Church to provide a loving, biblical community that supports and prays for your family.
To help prepare families for this commitment, parents are required to attend a child dedication class.
In this class, you will learn:
what the Bible says about child dedication
the difference between child dedication and infant baptism
and how the church will come alongside to support your parenting journey.
Please complete the registration form below and indicate the class date you prefer:
Sunday, March 9 during the 10AM service
Monday, March 17 at 6:30PM
We look forward to our next child dedication, scheduled for May 11!
Please contact alyssa.llamas@pathwayschurch.us with questions.

Vida Collection Drive
We are proud to stand beside a local outreach like Vida Clinic.
We will be hosting a diaper collection drive for several items that Vida Clinic is in need of on Sunday, March 16 & 23.
They are in need of newborn diapers, diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6 and other items.
All items collected go straight to Vida to help stock their shelves full and provide support to men and women who need to feel supported while raising children and/or expecting their first child.
Please drop all items off at the table in the church lobby or church office building (Mon-Thur | 8AM-4PM)
If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities please contact Emily at emilysverhagen@gmail.com.
Our local partner, Vida, passionately advocates for good health and well-being of women and their babies. Vida’s main objective is to walk with women through trials and tribulations by offering hope and compassion. Vida continue to expand and improve our services so that no man or woman feels alone and unsupported when facing challenges related to an unplanned pregnancy or parenting an infant or small children under challenging circumstances.

Child Dedication Class
A child is a God-given trust (Psalm 127:3) and Child Dedication is a ceremony that signifies a parent’s commitment and pledge to uphold that trust by raising their child in a Christian home and church where he or she can come to know, love and serve Jesus.
It also signifies a commitment by the people of Pathways Church to provide a loving, biblical community that supports and prays for your family.
To help prepare families for this commitment, parents are required to attend a child dedication class.
In this class, you will learn:
what the Bible says about child dedication
the difference between child dedication and infant baptism
and how the church will come alongside to support your parenting journey.
Please complete the registration form below and indicate the class date you prefer:
Sunday March 9 during the 10AM service
Monday, March 17 at 6:30PM
We look forward to our next child dedication, scheduled for May 11!
Please contact alyssa.llamas@pathwayschurch.us with questions.

Lent Service
Join us for a special Lent Service!
Lent is a 40 day period that leads up to Easter.
It gives us a great opportunity to carve out some time to cultivate our souls so that Easter takes on a different depth of meaning for us through the work that God has been doing in us.
Check out this book - “40 Days of Decrease by Dr. Alicia Britt Chole."
Each day has a short devotional and a passage of scripture for you and invites you to give up something for the day.
It's not just giving up things like designer coffee or your time on social media. It's mostly areas that are heart fast — like apathy, unforgiveness, resentment or comparing ourselves to others.
If we decrease in these areas, we can increase our connection with Christ!
During these next six weeks leading up to Easter, we're going to be walking through some issues of our heart that need to decrease and downshift so that Christ can increase in our lives!
So to prepare for the next week,
1) pop this book in your shopping cart
2) come to our special Lent Service on March 5 at 6:30PM
3) and get ready to begin our new series “Downshift” which will begin on Sunday, March 9 at our regular 8:30 and 10AM services!
Watch this special invitation from Gary by clicking the image below!

4/5th Grade Ministry
4/5th grade children are invited to join us on Sunday, February 23 from 11:30AM - 1PM.
We will meet the 4th Sunday of every month. This is a curriculum-based small group with a heavy emphasis on building disciples and servants.
Lunch will be provided. Registration is required and is limited to 20 children.

You're Snow Special!
You're Snow Special!
You are invited to join Pathways Kids on Sunday, February 2 at 8:30 or 10AM. Preschool and elementary kids will learn that they are uniquely created.
We'll have snowflake-themed crafts and activities centered around the idea that each child is special, beautifully and wonderfully made by God.
Invite your friends! They (and you) won't want to miss it!

Women's Connection Night
The women of Pathways are invited to join us for a night of creating connections & building community as we kick off the new year!
We have a great evening planned for Monday, January 27, starting at 7PM at Pathways Church. We hope to see you there!
Our Women’s Connection Nights are reoccurring on the last Monday of every month, so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Family Movie Night
Bring your entire family to Pathways Church on Friday, January 24, at 6:00PM, and join us for a night at the movies!
Kids are encouraged to wear pj's and bring their favorite blanket as we watch a movie about a robot who is learning to survive and live in the wilderness.
Pathways will provide popcorn, nachos, and water. If bringing beverages from home, please have liquids in closed-top containers.
Boxed candy will be available for cash purchase of $1.00.

Serve Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope
Serve Saturday!
We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Six times a year, one Saturday of the month, we will gather volunteers to help our community in some way.
On Saturday, January 11, 2024 from 10:30AM-12:30PM, we are serving at Jake's Network of Hope in Appleton.
Jake's Network of Hope distributes hygiene products and essential daily living items to people of all ages through a network of partner agencies, working to meet a variety of human needs.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to package diapers for distribution into our communities.
Please register below!

Online Only Service
Online Only Service!
Pathways Church, on Sunday, December 29, we will be offering online viewing only. Our prayer is that you will use this time at home to connect with your family and/or friends and to draw near to God while being mindful of the miracle God blessed us with by sending his Son to set us free and forever be called his children. You may watch online with us on Facebook, YouTube or our website.
We pray that as you spend time at home you find yourself surrounded by God's presence. So gather your friends and family, prepare your hearts for entering into a new year, and be ready to join us online at 8:30AM or 10AM on December 29!

Christmas Eve at Pathways Church
Signs. There are signs all around us, we live in a world of noise from signs along the highway promoting a business or service, to a street sign telling you which direction to go. During the Christmas season, we have to filter out even more noise from the signs around us telling us to buy this or that, find a tree lot here, or where to take a picture with Santa. Let's stop for a moment and ponder the question, "What are you looking for?" Do you know what signs God is sending you and what they mean?
Join us at Pathways Church at either 12PM, 2PM or 4PM as we worship the birth of our Savior and see what signs we should be looking out for moving forward.

4/5th Grade Ministry
4/5th grade children are invited to join us on Sunday, December 22 from 11:30AM - 1PM. We will meet the 4th Sunday of every month. This is a curriculum-based small group with a heavy emphasis on building disciples and servants.
Lunch will be provided. Registration is required and is limited to 20 children.

Kids on Stage Sunday
We have a special appearance from Pathways Kids preschool & elementary kids on Sunday, December 15th during both the 8:30AM & 10AM services!
If you have a little that attends Pathways Kids programming be sure to mark your calendars and invite friends & family to join you.
We also invite all of our adults to wear an ugly Christmas sweater or fun Christmas outfit this Sunday!

Pathways Kids Night Out!
Parents…got last-minute Christmas gifts to buy without little humans lurking around every corner? Christmas shopping is done but your last date night was... you don't remember when? Need some pre-holiday time alone? Bring your child, ages 3 through grade 5, to Kid’s Night Out at Pathways Church on Friday, December 13, from 5:30-7:30PM a free event.

Project Light It Up Food Drive
Pathways, our Project Light it up Food drive competition between Pathways Kids & Students will begin on Sunday, November 17 and run till November 24! Pathways kids and students are encouraged to light up the world around them this Christmas season and help stock the shelves for the Freedom Food Pantry in Appleton.
We will be receiving non-perishable food items in the Next Generation wing of the church (past the doors to Pathways Kids & Students), please stop by the Connect area if you have any questions.
Please encourage your kids to participate in this local outreach project and let's Light It Up! This is a great way to get your kids and students involved in helping serve those here, there and everywhere.
Students & kids may drop off non-perishable food items on Wednesday’s when they come to attend Pathways Students & ROOTS. Pathways Kids & Students (MVMNT) may drop them off on Sunday mornings or at the office building Mon-Thur. (8AM-4PM)

Women’s IF:Tables
When you think of inviting people to join you around your table, who comes to mind? More importantly, who do you hope will be sitting at your table in heaven in the presence of Jesus?
If the busyness of life gets in the way of your relationships with others and your Savior, join us for the Women's Connection Night on Friday, November 1 for our annual fall IF:Tables where we will discuss how to overcome the challenges of a busy life.
When: Friday, November 1
Arrival Time: 6-6:30PM
End Time: 8:30PM
Where: Pathways Church
Registration is currently closed.

4/5th Grade Ministry
4/5th grade children are invited to join us on Sunday, October 27 from 11:30AM - 1PM. We will meet the 4th Sunday of every month. This is a curriculum-based small group with a heavy emphasis on building disciples and servants.
Lunch will be provided. Registration is required and is limited to 20 children.

Damacus Road Project Tie Blanket Outreach
We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. That is why on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 10AM - 12PM, we will be tying blankets for those served by the non-profit organization - Damascus Road Project.
We are in need of volunteers to tie a total of 45 blankets. Please complete the registration form below to sign up to serve.
We think this will be a fun serving opportunity for the entire family!

Kids Night Out!
Parents…do you need a date night? Some time alone? A night out with friends?
Whatever you need, bring your child, ages 3 through grade 5, to Kid’s Night Out at Pathways Church on Friday, October 25, from 5:30-7:30PM.
This FREE event includes dinner, dessert, fall crafts, and games. Your kiddos won’t want to miss it!
Registration is required and closes at midnight on Sunday, October 20.

Operation Christmas Child
Pathways Church is partnering with Samaritan’s Purse this holiday season to bring the gospel and a smile to children in need all over the world.
Through an annual outreach event called Operation Christmas Child, we encourage you and your family to fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, clothes, games, etc. that will be sent to children all over the globe! Before each child receives their shoebox, the gospel is shared with them and their families! *A $10 donation per box is needed to help cover shipping costs and can be paid by scanning the QR code on the box.
Shoeboxes will be available for pickup in the lobby on Sundays from Oct. 20 - Nov. 17. If you are unable to make it on Sunday please stop by the church office between 8AM-4PM Monday-Thursday.
The last day to pick up a box is Sunday, Nov 17, with all filled boxes due on or before Thursday, Nov 21.
All boxes are due to be dropped off by Thursday, November 21. Boxes may be brought to the church office building, we are open Monday-Thursday, 8AM-4PM.
Send the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Without Leaving Home!
We get it, the holiday season is BEYOND busy but we know you still want to make a difference so we want to introduce the option to build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox right at home!
Click the “Build a Box Online” button below to get started…just remember this can be done right from the comforts of your couch!
Do you have an Amazon account?
We took the time to create gift wish lists for girls and boys of all ages on Amazon so if you don’t have time to fill a whole shoebox just order supplies for a certain age and all items will be delivered straight to Pathways Church and we’ll fill a box for you! Check out the amazon lists by clicking the “WISH LIST” Box below- enjoy!
About Samaritan’s Purse
The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever we find them. After describing how the Samaritan rescued a hurting man whom others had passed by, Jesus told His hearers, “Go and do likewise.” For over 40 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done our utmost to follow Christ’s command by going to the aid of the world’s poor, sick, and suffering. We are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, earns us a hearing for the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
How to Pack a Shoe Box
Do Not Include:
Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
Can Include:
Start with a quality “wow” item such as a stuffed animal, soccer ball with pump, or clothing outfit that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box. See our gift suggestions according to age and gender listed below for other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to fill the shoebox.
*A $10 donation per box is needed to help cover shipping costs and can be paid by scanning the QR code on the box.

PK Candypalooza!
Candypalooza will take place on Sunday, October 6 at both the 8:30 and 10AM service for preschool and elementary age children. This is a great event and opportunity for your kids to invite a friend as they spend the morning dressed in their favorite family friendly costume, learn about Jesus with their friends and small group leaders, and leave with candy!
If you’d like to donate candy for this special event please visit the Amason wishlist linked below! You can either ship it directly to Pathways church OR bring on a Sunday morning and drop off at the Pathways Kids area.

Women's Connection Night
The women of Pathways are invited to join us for a night of creating connections, building community & axe throwing! We have a great evening planned for Monday, September 30 starting at 7PM at Appleton Axe, and whether you’d like to throw axes or just hang out we hope to see you there! Register below and if you plan to throw axes please complete the waiver.
Cost: $20
Time: 7-9PM
If you would just like to hang out, great! Please still register below.
This connection night will be recurring on the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.
P.S. There will be no Women's Connection Night in October, plan to join us at IF:Tables on November 1!

4/5th Grade Ministry Launch!
Beginning Sunday, September 29, Pathways Kids is launching a new ministry for 4/5th grade children. This group will meet the 4th Sunday of every month from 11:30AM - 1PM. This will be a curriculum-based small group with a heavy emphasis on building disciples and servants.
Kids who join the group will have the opportunity to vote on a name and logo for their group.
Lunch will be provided. Registration is required and is limited to 20 children.
* September 29 will be spent getting to know your child and building relationships with them. Curriculum will begin October 27 with assignments to be completed prior to the next monthly meeting.

Next Generation Fall Kickoff Dates!
Join us for an electrifying week of Fall Kickoff events for ages kindergarten through 23! Check out the dates below to see when all of our next-generation ministries will kick off for the fall.
Have Questions? Contact information for each ministry is listed below.
Young Adults & High School | Pastor TJ Norman | Tj.Norman@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 125
Middle School & MVMNT | Pastor Jake Collins | Jake.Collins@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 101
Pathways Kids | Rebecca Pettit | Rebecca.Pettit@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 106
ROOTS | Kelsey Smajda | Kelsey.Smajda@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 113 | REGISTER HERE

Women's Connection Night
The women of Pathways are invited to join us for a night of creating connections & building community. We have a great evening planned for Monday, August 26 starting at 7PM at Pathways Church, and we hope to see you there!
This connection night will be recurring on the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Kids Night Out!
Registration is CLOSED.
Parents…do you need a date night? Some time alone? A night out with friends? Whatever you need, bring your child, ages 3 through grade 5, to Kid’s Night Out at Pathways Church on Friday, August 2, from 5:30-7:30PM.
This is a FREE event and includes dinner, ice cream, outdoor games, and activities. Your kiddos won’t want to miss it!

Women's Connection Outdoor Worship Night
What better way to unite as sisters in Christ than to gather together in worship? We have a beautiful evening planned for Monday, July 29 starting at 7PM at Pathways Church, and we hope to see you there!
This worship night will be outdoors so please bring a lawn chair!
Although it is not required, we ask that you please pre-register.
This connection night will be recurring on the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Adventure Camp!
Join us for year two of Adventure Camp, July 22 - 26!
This week-long morning camp will teach 5-11-year-olds to get "Ready for Battle"! Kids will go on a journey as they dig deep into the Bible and find out what it means to put on the armor of God.
All children registered may sign up for a T-shirt specifically for Adventure Camp. Registration to purchase a T-shirt will close on June 21st.
Registration is NOW CLOSED. Please reach out to Alyssa at alyssa.llamas@pathwayschurch.us if you’d still like to register your child and/or children.

Christmas in July, Stocking Stuffer Drive
SUNDAY, JULY 14, 21 & 28
Pathways Church is collecting stocking stuffer items for our ministry partner; Jericho Ministries in Honduras. You may drop off items in the lobby at Pathways Church on Sunday morning or throughout the week at the church office building (Mon-Thur, 8AM-4PM). The stockings will be delivered to Jericho Ministries in December.
The mission of Jericho Ministries in Honduras is to glorify God by breaking generational chains of prostitution, sexual abuse, and addiction. We are happy to partner with them and brighten a child’s day by receiving a stocking this year!
Here is an Amazon Wishlist of all the items needed. You can order straight to your house and drop off on Sunday morning or throughout the week! You may also give financially through our GIVE page.
Full sized: shampoo, conditioner
Bars of soap
Containers for bars of soap
Deodorant (for men and women)
Hair brushesHair bows, ribbons, hair ties
Full sized lotion
Men’s travel items
Individual peanut butter cups
Candy - not in Halloween bags
Toothbrushes preferably electric ($5-10)
Toothpaste any variety
Dental floss
Financial donations to help pay for embroidered stockings.