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Growth Class | Sharing Your Faith

Growth Class | Sharing Your Faith

Whether you have been a Christ-follower for decades or are just beginning your faith journey, we are all called to share the good news of Christ. But what does that mean? How do we enter into those conversations? It can be intimidating and overwhelming!

Join Pastor Jake on Sunday, April 6, from 9:40–11AM to learn the basics of sharing your faith.

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Lent Service

Lent Service

Join us for a special Lent Service!

Lent is a 40 day period that leads up to Easter.

It gives us a great opportunity to carve out some time to cultivate our souls so that Easter takes on a different depth of meaning for us through the work that God has been doing in us. 

Check out this book - “40 Days of Decrease by Dr. Alicia Britt Chole." 

Each day has a short devotional and a passage of scripture for you and invites you to give up something for the day.

It's not just giving up things like designer coffee or your time on social media. It's mostly areas that are heart fast — like apathy, unforgiveness, resentment or comparing ourselves to others.

If we decrease in these areas, we can increase our connection with Christ! 

During these next six weeks leading up to Easter, we're going to be walking through some issues of our heart that need to decrease and downshift so that Christ can increase in our lives! 

So to prepare for the next week, 

1) pop this book in your shopping cart

2) come to our special Lent Service on March 5 at 6:30PM

3) and get ready to begin our new series “Downshift” which will begin on Sunday, March 9 at our regular 8:30 and 10AM services! 

Watch this special invitation from Gary by clicking the image below!

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Young Adults Axe & Escape Night

Young Adults Axe & Escape Night

Ready for an epic Saturday? Join us at Appleton Axe on Saturday, February 22nd at 4:30 PM for a night of Axe Throwing and Escape Room fun!

You can choose how you want to join in. The cost starts at just $25 per person, depending on what activities you pick. Bring a friend and we’ll see you there!

Location: 1400 W. College Ave Suite B, Appleton WI

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Start Here -- ROOTED Small Group

Start Here -- ROOTED Small Group

Beyond a program or a seminar, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted provokes questions, conversations, and group experiences that will stretch you and help you find yourself in God's story.

Through the experience of Rooted, we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus.

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Serve Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Serve Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Serve Saturday!

We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Six times a year, one Saturday of the month, we will gather volunteers to help our community in some way.

On Saturday, January 11, 2024 from 10:30AM-12:30PM, we are serving at Jake's Network of Hope in Appleton. 

Jake's Network of Hope distributes hygiene products and essential daily living items to people of all ages through a network of partner agencies, working to meet a variety of human needs.   

Volunteers will have the opportunity to package diapers for distribution into our communities.

Please register below!

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Growth Class | Parenting

Growth Class | Parenting

Parents, how do you know when it is your behavior that may need adjusting and not your child’s? Join Clinical Psychologist, Megan Thumann, and her husband David as they lead a discussion using their successes and failures as examples. The goal of this Growth Class is that we as parents can better recognize when we need to focus on changing our actions and reactions instead of our child needing to change his or hers. Sunday, Dec. 1 | 9:40AM

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Damacus Road Project Tie Blanket Outreach

Damacus Road Project Tie Blanket Outreach

We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. That is why on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 10AM - 12PM, we will be tying blankets for those served by the non-profit organization - Damascus Road Project. 

We are in need of volunteers to tie a total of 45 blankets. Please complete the registration form below to sign up to serve.

We think this will be a fun serving opportunity for the entire family!

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Boundaries | Growth Class
to Nov 3

Boundaries | Growth Class

Boundaries are personal property lines that define who you are and who you are not, and influence all areas of your life. If you need to learn when to say yes and how to say no, join us for this two-session book study.

During the first session, we will discuss the concept of boundaries and why they are important. Then, with the expectation that you will read the Boundaries book in between sessions, we will gather for the second session to discuss what we have read and learned, and answer any questions you may have.

Session 1: Sunday, October 6 from 9:40 – 11 AM

Session 2: Sunday, November 3 from 9:40 – 11 AM

Book cost: $10 (if you wish to purchase your own book, please note that below)

Book order deadline: Tuesday, September 24.

Childcare: Pathways Kids and Pathways Students (Middle School)

Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us with any questions.

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Christmas in July, Stocking Stuffer Drive
to Jul 28

Christmas in July, Stocking Stuffer Drive


SUNDAY, JULY 14, 21 & 28

Pathways Church is collecting stocking stuffer items for our ministry partner; Jericho Ministries in Honduras. You may drop off items in the lobby at Pathways Church on Sunday morning or throughout the week at the church office building (Mon-Thur, 8AM-4PM). The stockings will be delivered to Jericho Ministries in December.


The mission of Jericho Ministries in Honduras is to glorify God by breaking generational chains of prostitution, sexual abuse, and addiction. We are happy to partner with them and brighten a child’s day by receiving a stocking this year!


Here is an Amazon Wishlist of all the items needed. You can order straight to your house and drop off on Sunday morning or throughout the week! You may also give financially through our GIVE page.

  • Full sized: shampoo, conditioner

  • Bars of soap

  • Containers for bars of soap

  • Deodorant (for men and women)
    Hair brushes

  • Hair bows, ribbons, hair ties

  • Full sized lotion

  • Men’s travel items

  • Individual peanut butter cups

  • Candy - not in Halloween bags

  • Toothbrushes preferably electric ($5-10)

  • Toothpaste any variety

  • Dental floss

  • Financial donations to help pay for embroidered stockings.

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Second Saturday- Giving Garden

Second Saturday- Giving Garden

Pathways Church has a garden on our property that serves the Fox Valley by donating all produce to the local Freedom Food Pantry.  On this Second Saturday we are in need of volunteers to prepare the garden for the growing season. If you have a green thumb or even if you don’t please join us for a morning in our Giving Garden!

Date of Event:  Saturday, May 11, 2024

Serving Time:  9AM - 12PM

Location:  Pathways Church | 311 W. Evergreen Dr. Appleton, WI  54911


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Life’s Healing Choices
to May 26

Life’s Healing Choices

Life’s Healing Choices

This care group is a safe place to find freedom along with direction from God and community.  Materials from “The Life Recovery Bible NLT”, John Baker’s Book “Life’s Healing Choices” will be used.

The eight principles of the Beatitudes will be the pathway to a free and blessed lifestyle, allowing us to grow closer to Jesus and HIS will for us. 

Please join us weekly on Sunday mornings following the 10AM service in Room 208.

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Compassion Sunday
to Mar 10

Compassion Sunday


And you can be the one to give it to them.

In less than an hour, on just one day, you can make an eternal impact. Pathways will be hosting Compassion Sunday on Sunday, March 3 & 10 and you can become a vital part of the nationwide movement that’s releasing children from poverty around the world.

Ready to change more lives?

Your voice is the one that will connect more children to the local church through sponsorship. So, say “YES!” to releasing more children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Answer this call to HOPE by visit the Compassion table in the lobby after both 8:30 & 10AM service.

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What is GroupLink?

At Pathways Church, we believe that life is better connected by being part of a Small Group. If you have not found community yet at Pathways, join us for 30 minutes after each service on Sunday, February 11, in room 206 to learn what a Small Group is, how being part of one will help you grow in faith, and what you need to do to step out of the Sunday morning row and into the circle of a Small Group.

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Second Saturday

Second Saturday

Due to inclement weather on January 13, 2024 the Feeding America volunteer event has been rescheduled to Saturday, February 10, 2024. f you registered for the January event, please re-register by clicking the Register Here button below.

On February 10, volunteers will be serving at Feeding America packing meals.  Feeding America supports local food pantries right here in our community ensuring our neighbors in need have access to healthy food.

Date of Event:  Saturday, February 10, 2024

Two Serving Times:  9AM - 10:30AM & 10:45AM - 12PM

Location:  Feeding America

                2911 W. Evergreen Dr.

                Appleton, WI  54913

Please complete the registration form below for an individual, family or small group. Please email Barb Kieffer at Barb.Kieffer@pathwayschurch.us if you have any questions.

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Jericho Ministry Jewelry Sale

Jericho Ministry Jewelry Sale

Jericho Ministry Jewelry Sale

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 | 8:30 & 10AM

Pathway’s Church will be featuring jewelry created by our mission partner; Jericho Ministries in Honduras, all proceeds go towards Jericho Ministry and their outreach program. You may view and purchase items in the lobby at Pathways Church on Sunday morning February 4th at both the 8:30AM & 10AM service.


The mission of Jericho Ministries in Honduras is to glorify God by breaking generational chains of prostitution, sexual abuse, and addiction. We are happy to partner with them and brighten a child’s day by receiving a stocking this year!

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Start Here -- ROOTED Class

Start Here -- ROOTED Class

Beyond a program or a seminar, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted provokes questions, conversations, and group experiences that will stretch you and help you find yourself in God's story.

Through the experience of Rooted, we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus.

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to Mar 19


Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle, isn’t it? Often, Christians focus so much on being loving and unselfish that they forget their own limits and limitations. When confronted with their lack of boundaries they ask questions like "Can I set limits and still be a loving person?", "What are legitimate boundaries?", "What if someone is upset or hurt by my boundaries?", "How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money?", "Aren’t boundaries selfish?", and "Why do I feel guilty or afraid when I consider setting boundaries?" This nine-week class will help you learn when to say yes, when to say no, and how to take control of your life.

Please complete the information below to register for the nine-week Boundaries class that begins Tuesday, January 23 at 6:30PM - 8:30PM in room 208.

If you already have a Boundaries Participants Guide, please email tammym@pathwayschurch.us to enroll in the class. 

NOTE: The class will need a minimum of six people to be held. To guarantee to have a book on time for the first session, please register by Wednesday, January 10 (you can still register after this date -- this is only to guarantee your book arriving in time for the first class session)

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Young Adults

Young Adults

At Pathways Young Adults, we foster a sense of belonging, encouraging you to connect and build lasting relationships. We genuinely care about your well-being and are eager to be there for you through life's ups and downs. This ministry is not just a gathering of young adults; it is an essential part of our church's growth and strength. We celebrate your unique perspectives and your positive impact on our congregation.

Pathways Young Adults will meet on Monday nights from 6:30-8PM and is for ages 18-23. If you’d like to join please text Dawson at 920.850.2870 for the location.

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Second Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Second Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Second Saturday!

We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. On Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 9AM - noon we are serving at Jake's Network of Hope in Neenah.  Six times a year, on the second Saturday of the month, we will gather volunteers to help our community in some way.

Jake's Network of Hope distributes hygiene products and essential daily living items to people of all ages through a network of partner agencies, working to meet a variety of human needs.   

Jake's would love to have a large group of volunteers who will have the opportunity to help move items from one side of their building to the other side, and package diapers for distribution into our communities.

Date of Event:  Saturday, November 11, 2023

Serving Time:  9AM  - 12PM

Location:  Jake's Network of Hope | 2396 Industrial Drive, Neenah, WI  54956

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Is it time for you to proclaim publicly your faith in Christ by being baptized? Baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience for all believers*. Let everyone know that you are a new creation and register below for our next baptism!  

*While we believe that children can have a sincere faith in Jesus, we have found the best practice is to wait until a child is at least eight years old before the child takes the step of baptism. If your child is under the age of eight and has expressed interest in baptism, we recommend that you use the time to strengthen his or her faith in other ways. If you do not have a RightNow Media account, it is an excellent resource for you to use to help lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To learn more and to request a complimentary account, click here.

Questions? Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Young Adults

Young Adults

At Pathways Young Adults, we foster a sense of belonging, encouraging you to connect and build lasting relationships. We genuinely care about your well-being and are eager to be there for you through life's ups and downs. This ministry is not just a gathering of young adults; it is an essential part of our church's growth and strength. We celebrate your unique perspectives and your positive impact on our congregation.

Pathways Young Adults will meet on Monday nights from 6:30-8PM and is for ages 18-23 at Pathways church and varying locations, with the first meeting at Pathways church!

If you are in a different age range and are looking for community please email Tammy our Connections Director at tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

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Fall 2023 Start Here -- ROOTED Class

Fall 2023 Start Here -- ROOTED Class

Beyond a program or a seminar, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted provokes questions, conversations, and group experiences that will stretch you and help you find yourself in God's story.

Through the experience of Rooted, we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus.

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