4 Ways YOU can be Intentional about Inviting
"Hey, are you going to church anywhere right now? I thought you could join me at Pathways Church in Appleton this Sunday. Would you be up for going to the [8:30AM or 10AM] service with me?"
"Hey, are you going to church anywhere right now? I thought you could join me at Pathways Church in Appleton this weekend." (Or, "We could watch online together at my house this week.")
"Hey, would you be up for going to church with me this Sunday if you are free? I am going to Pathways Church in Appleton at [8:30AM or 10AM]."
"Hey, my church has some great content on the topic we were talking about this afternoon and I found it really encouraging. Here's a link [link to YT video] to check it out."
"Hey, my kids love attending Pathways Church Kids Programming. I was thinking you and [their child's name] could join us this weekend. You can check out their instagram @pwkds to see what it is like and see what the kids are learning about. Let me know if you're up for it!"
"[Your 6th-8th grader’s name] loves going to Pathways Students on Wednesday nights. I thought maybe [teen's name] would like to go with us this Wednesday? I can pick [him/her] up if you want! You can check them out @pathways_students and get a feel for what it's like."
"[Your 9th-12th grader’s name] loves going to Pathways Students on Sunday nights. I thought maybe [teen's name] would like to go with us this Sunday? I can pick [him/her] up if you want! You can check them out @pathways_students and get a feel for what it's like."
2. Send a text to a Family Member, Friend, Neighbor, Coworker
Copy one of these sample texts, fill in the blanks, and invite a friend to Pathways Church and Pathways Kids programming on Sundays and Pathways Students on Wednesday Nights.
3. Take the Next Step and Start a Conversation
During the initial conversation express genuine interest as they speak. Establish an open communication regarding the church. Listen to all they have to say, seek to understand their past experiences, validate their feelings and experiences, care for what people have been through, and have an open/respectful conversation about each other's beliefs.
Conversation Starters
Did you grow up going to church with anyone? (Explore the topic)
Do you go to church now? Where at? Or why not? (Explore the topic)
Have you ever thought about going again? (Explore the topic)
With each question, remember, this is a conversation, not a sales pitch for church. The most important thing is getting to know this person and caring for them.
4. Engage Your Community
We may not be of this world but if you are alive you are still living in it and our mission is to engage in our communities and care for those we meet. No matter if you are at the grocery store checking out or grabbing a coffee from Starbucks or saying hi to a neighbor or dropping your child off at school all encounters are an opportunity for you to start a conversation. Take time to make a new friend and tell them the amazing truth about our God.
Examples of Engaging Your Community
Pray for your neighbors. Every day is a new opportunity to pray for them as you drive past their homes- even if you don’t know their names!
Take every opportunity to show them that you care (mow lawns, shovel snow, rake leaves, bring cookies, write notes, ask how you can pray for them).
Ask questions: Resist the urge to make every conversation about you. Be intentional with wanting to know about THEIR LIVES.
When you start engaging the people around you, you'll have more opportunities to share the life and stories of Jesus.