Life is full of highs and lows, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Whatever season you are in, we want to help.
To contact the Pastor On Call, please call the church office and listen to the message to transfer your call to the Pastor On Call. 920.735.0422.
Pathways Church has a team of prayer partners, which includes our pastors and staff, who are committed to praying for the needs of our church family. All requests are considered confidential unless otherwise indicated.
Stephen Ministry
Do you have a heart for the hurting and broken? Do you wish to create a caring relationship that lasts for as long as the need persists? Then being a Stephen Minister is for you.
If you are hurting and need support then we would love for you to sign up to be a care receiver and feel support like never before.
Getting married? Or thinking about getting married? Our desire is for your marriage to be successful. We have two options for you: Meet with mentors in-person who will take you through a pre-marital preparation course (click here to learn more) or by taking an on-line “Pre-Marriage Course” by Nicky and Sila Lee available to you for free via Right Now Media (click here to register). If you have any questions, email us using the “Contact Us” button below.
We are so excited to serve you during the process of marriage and wedding planning. Please begin by filling out the wedding application that may be found below. Once the application has been submitted a member of our staff will walk through this exciting time with you.
Pathways Church believes in cultivating healthy marriages, mending broken ones and restoring hope in situations of divorce. We seek to equip couples to meet spiritual milestones and to guide them through the various stages of life and family.
The purpose of the Benevolence Fund is to provide financial aid to an active participant of Pathways Church who is in urgent need. The fulfillment of an applicant’s request is at the discretion of the Pathways Church leadership team.