• The Mission of the Hope Clinic and Care Center is to partner with the community to help improve the health and well-being by providing access to quality health care for the healing of the mind, body and spirit by demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ to those in need. To serve with the Hope Clinic or learn more click on the image above.

  • Working to end homelessness locally, Pillars connects individuals and families with resources that promote self-sufficiency and prevent future homelessness by providing shelter, support, and solutions. Pathways support Pillars by providing funding and serving meals. Pathways serves dinner meal at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December. You can help make a difference by providing a meal, signing up to serve a meal or both. Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com with any questions and/or to serve!

  • Our partner passionately advocates for good health and well-being of women and their babies. Vida’s main objective is to walk with women through trials and tribulations by offering hope and compassion. If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities please contact Emily Mollica at Emilysverhagen@gmail.com or click on the image above.

  • Damascus Road Project was founded in 2009 and is dedicated to fighting the evil of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. We are committed to bring awareness through educating, restoring and empowering the abused, and advocating for the prevention and abolition of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

    Damascus Road Project, Inc. is a 100% specially trained volunteer run 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 100% of funds donated directly serve our local communities. We have over 40 years of collective experience working with human trafficking in Wisconsin, Las Vegas, and across the U.S., as well as abroad.

    We serve the community with a three-fold approach – EDUCATE (Community and professional education and training opportunities are offered to all community members.), LOCATE (We provide community outreach to identify those being victimized) & ADVOCATE (We connect with those who have been victimized and offer support, compassion, encouragement and mentorship, as well as connection to appropriate resources and services). To learn more click the image above.

  • Through teaching, counseling, role modeling, and spiritual guidance, Fox Valley Jail Ministry helps thousands of inmates receive a new outlook on life and hope for the future. Pathways supports FVJM through funding and volunteers who help guide inmates in the areas of spiritual care, positive choices, healthy relationships, addiction recovery, and life skills. To serve at Fox Valley Jail Ministry, click on the image above for more information or contact Barb Kieffer at 920.735.0422, ext. 122.

  • Serving as God’s hands to help feed the hungry, Pathways supports Freedom Center Food Pantry through food drives, pantry volunteers, and donation pickup. Interested in joining the team to help with pre-packing food boxes or food distribution, click on the image above for more information, or contact Barb Kieffer at 920.735.0422 ext. 122.

  • Pathways has a garden on our property that serves the Fox Valley by donating all produce to the local Freedom Food Pantry. If you enjoy spending time in the garden and would like to volunteer by weeding, planting or harvesting, we would love to have your help! From tomato plants to peas, we ned your green thumb to help us spread the love to our surrounding community. Click the image above to serve.

  • Helping to stabilize and empower people in financial crisis, LEAVEN provides financial assistance, referrals, and case management to address short and long-term basic needs. Pathways supports LEAVEN through funding and referrals. If you know of someone in need of financial assistance, please contact LEAVEN directly at 920.738.9635 | leaven@leavenfoxcities.org | 1475 Opportunity Way, Menasha, WI 54952. To serve at LEAVEN learn more by clicking the image above.


  • As a gospel-centered ministry for almost 70 years, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. A local goal of the FCA ministry is to have a mobilized volunteer on every high school and college campus in Northeast Wisconsin counties. Through the ministry of FCA Huddles (school/team/coach gatherings), they empower coaches, volunteers and athletes while developing lasting disciples of Jesus Christ who are transformed by a growing relationship with him.

  • Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin is the leading local hunger-relieve organization in the state. Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin operates food banks in Appleton and Milwaukee and receives food from retailers, wholesalers, farmers and donors. The food is transported, sorted and stored at each campus before it is distributed to nearly 400 pantries and meal programs across 35 eastern Wisconsin counties, serving over 500,000 individuals facing hunger.

  • Jake’s Network of Hope envisions a world where every individual feels worthy. Jake’s is a diaper bank that serves 11+ counties in Northeastern Wisconsin. This includes distribution of diapers, pull-ups, cloth diaper kits (globally), period supplies and adult hygiene products at no cost to the end user.

    In 2011, the founders were part of a women’s mission trip to a shantytown in Peru called Pachacutec. One day they visited a child care facility and what they saw that day would change the trajectory of their lives. They witnessed caregivers who cared for 15 babies and loved them very much. Unfortunately, they were forced to reuse disposable diapers because they had no other option. They had to make the difficult decision – food, water, shelter, or diapers. Shortly after, one of the founder’s first son was born, named Jake. Jake’s parents used modern cloth diapers on him and decided to collect the cloth diapers he outgrew for those 15 babies and Jake’s Diapers was born. Originally, Jake’s Diapers was created to help those 15 babies in Peru. Today, they’ve impacted over 63,000 lives in over 60 countries including their own Wisconsin backyard. In 2020, Jake’s saw explosive growth into various core hygiene programs including period products and adult incontinence products. Their work allows every person a step up toward living healthy, feeling safe and experiencing self-worth so that individuals and communities thrive.


Honduras | Jericho Ministries

Jericho Ministries' vision is to equip women and children in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, to glorify God by breaking the generational chains of prostitution, sexual abuse, and addiction. Pathways partners with Jericho Ministry and founder Betsy Hake through financial support of their schools and family homes, and mission trips. God is moving in Honduras! To learn more, and find out how you can reach Honduras for Jesus, contact Barb Kieffer at 920.735.0422, ext. 122.

Worldwide | Operation Christmas Child

Join us every October through November as we partner with Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child during the holiday season to bring the gospel and a smile to children in need all over the world.


If you would like to be considered for partnership with Pathways Church, please submit the application below.