Filtering by: “Outreach”

Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

We will be serving a hot meal and a friendly smile at Pillars Shelter on Thursday, March 27 from 4:30-7PM.

From homelessness to coming home, Pillars provides shelter, support, and solutions to address the housing needs in our community.

We serve this meal at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of each month. If you’re willing and able to step up and help lend a hand to your community you can register to serve by clicking the button below!

We will be rotating serving sites throughout the year on the following days:

  • March 27

  • April 24

  • May 22

  • June 26

  • July 24

  • August 28

  • September 25

  • October 23

  • November 27

  • December 25

Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Vida Collection Drive
to Mar 23

Vida Collection Drive

We are proud to stand beside a local outreach like Vida Clinic.

We will be hosting a diaper collection drive for several items that Vida Clinic is in need of on Sunday, March 16 & 23.

They are in need of newborn diapers, diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6 and other items.

All items collected go straight to Vida to help stock their shelves full and provide support to men and women who need to feel supported while raising children and/or expecting their first child.

Please drop all items off at the table in the church lobby or church office building (Mon-Thur | 8AM-4PM)

If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities please contact Emily at emilysverhagen@gmail.com.

Our local partner, Vida, passionately advocates for good health and well-being of women and their babies. Vida’s main objective is to walk with women through trials and tribulations by offering hope and compassion. Vida continue to expand and improve our services so that no man or woman feels alone and unsupported when facing challenges related to an unplanned pregnancy or parenting an infant or small children under challenging circumstances.

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Marriage Night

Marriage Night

Join us at Pathways Church on the evening of Friday, February 21, 2025 from 7-9PM for a fun night out with your spouse.

This will be an event where you can laugh, learn and grow in your marriage.

Get ready to play some fun games with great prizes, relax together and indulge in some desserts and coffee.

We will even have childcare available so those of you with small children can easily attend.

Cost of the event is $20.00 per couple.  Please register by February 16.

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Serve Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Serve Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Serve Saturday!

We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Six times a year, one Saturday of the month, we will gather volunteers to help our community in some way.

On Saturday, January 11, 2024 from 10:30AM-12:30PM, we are serving at Jake's Network of Hope in Appleton. 

Jake's Network of Hope distributes hygiene products and essential daily living items to people of all ages through a network of partner agencies, working to meet a variety of human needs.   

Volunteers will have the opportunity to package diapers for distribution into our communities.

Please register below!

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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

We will be serving a hot meal and a friendly smile at Pillars Shelter on Thursday, December 26 from 4:30-7PM.

From homelessness to coming home, Pillars provides shelter, support, and solutions to address the housing needs in our community.

We serve this meal at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of each month. If you’re willing and able to step up and help lend a hand to your community you can register to serve by clicking the button below!

Date: December 26, 2024

Time:  4:30 - 7PM

Location:  Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI  

Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Damacus Road Project Tie Blanket Outreach

Damacus Road Project Tie Blanket Outreach

We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. That is why on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 10AM - 12PM, we will be tying blankets for those served by the non-profit organization - Damascus Road Project. 

We are in need of volunteers to tie a total of 45 blankets. Please complete the registration form below to sign up to serve.

We think this will be a fun serving opportunity for the entire family!

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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Date: October 24, 2024

Time:  4:30 - 7PM

Location:  Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI  

Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Date: August 22

Time:  4:30 - 7PM

Location:  Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI  

Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Date: June 27th

Time:  4:30 - 7PM

Location:  Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI  

Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Second Saturday- Giving Garden

Second Saturday- Giving Garden

Pathways Church has a garden on our property that serves the Fox Valley by donating all produce to the local Freedom Food Pantry.  On this Second Saturday we are in need of volunteers to prepare the garden for the growing season. If you have a green thumb or even if you don’t please join us for a morning in our Giving Garden!

Date of Event:  Saturday, May 11, 2024

Serving Time:  9AM - 12PM

Location:  Pathways Church | 311 W. Evergreen Dr. Appleton, WI  54911


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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Date: April 25th

Time:  4:30 - 7PM

Location:  Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI  

Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Serve at Pillars

Serve at Pillars

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Date: Feb. 22

Time:  4:30 - 7PM

Location:  Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI  

Contact George Haas (Pathways Volunteer & Team Lead) with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Jericho Ministry Jewelry Sale

Jericho Ministry Jewelry Sale

Jericho Ministry Jewelry Sale

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 | 8:30 & 10AM

Pathway’s Church will be featuring jewelry created by our mission partner; Jericho Ministries in Honduras, all proceeds go towards Jericho Ministry and their outreach program. You may view and purchase items in the lobby at Pathways Church on Sunday morning February 4th at both the 8:30AM & 10AM service.


The mission of Jericho Ministries in Honduras is to glorify God by breaking generational chains of prostitution, sexual abuse, and addiction. We are happy to partner with them and brighten a child’s day by receiving a stocking this year!

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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Date: December 28

Time:  4:30 - 7PM

Location:  Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI  

Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

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Second Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Second Saturday- Jake’s Network of Hope

Second Saturday!

We are taught the importance of being the hands and feet of Jesus. On Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 9AM - noon we are serving at Jake's Network of Hope in Neenah.  Six times a year, on the second Saturday of the month, we will gather volunteers to help our community in some way.

Jake's Network of Hope distributes hygiene products and essential daily living items to people of all ages through a network of partner agencies, working to meet a variety of human needs.   

Jake's would love to have a large group of volunteers who will have the opportunity to help move items from one side of their building to the other side, and package diapers for distribution into our communities.

Date of Event:  Saturday, November 11, 2023

Serving Time:  9AM  - 12PM

Location:  Jake's Network of Hope | 2396 Industrial Drive, Neenah, WI  54956

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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of: February, April, June, August, October and December. This volunteer opportunity involves serving a meal at the shelter and offering a friendly smile to those you are serving.

Date: Thursday, August 24

Time: 4:30PM to 7PM

Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI

Contact Angela Pierce with questions at angela_pierce21@yahoo.com.

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Serve at Pillars!

Serve at Pillars!

Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of: April, June, August and October.

There are three options for volunteering:

1. Serving the meal at the shelter.

2. Donating a meal to be served.

3. Both serve and donate food.

Date: Thursday, April 27

Time: 4:30PM to 7PM

Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI

Contact Angela Pierce with questions at angela_pierce21@yahoo.com. *Please indicate your preference for serving on the sign up form.

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Project Feed More

Project Feed More

Come and be part of an initiative to help feed those in need! 250 volunteers are needed on Saturday, April 9. This event is for ages 6 and up and could be a wonderful family event! You have the option to choose between two different shifts.

All the meals will go to multiple local food pantries, including Freedom Food Pantry and global missions partners!

This year our goal is to package 100,000 meals!

Date of Event:  Saturday April 9, 2022

Time of Event: 1st shift - 9:00am to noon. Check in begins at 8:30.

2nd shift is 1pm to 4pm. Check in begins at 12:30 pm.  

Sign Up to Serve

Please register by clicking the button below. Thank you to our amazing church body for volunteering to serve at Project Feed More!

Please complete this registration form for an individual, family or small group.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”.
— Matthew 25:31-46

Voluntary Donation

Pathways Church has budgeted funds to cover the cost of the entire event. At a cost of $.25 per meal, that is a total of $25,000.   

We continue to pray for the event to grow in the future. We also desire to not further burden the church budget as we see this outreach grow. Thus, we are again offering the opportunity for attenders and volunteers to donate for next year's event (2023). 

If you are interested, please click on the link below to access PushPay. Be sure to mention the memo area indicating “Project Feed More”.

PushPay Link: Donate Here

Checks are also accepted with a note in the memo area indicating “Project Feed More”.

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Vida Collection Drive
to Feb 13

Vida Collection Drive

We are proud to stand beside a local outreach like Vida Clinic. We will be hosting a collection drive several items that Vida Clinic is in need on Sunday, February 6 & 13 all items collected go straight to Vida to help stock their shelves full and provide support to men and women who need to feel supported while raising children and/or expecting their first child.

Parents! Pathways Kids will be joining the mission of Pathways Church as we collect formula and pacifiers for Vida. Parents, this is a great way to express to your children the importance of loving those in your community and showing them first hand how to care for and bless others.

Items Needed: Drop all items off at the table in the Church Lobby

  • Formula- any brand or size

  • Pacifiers

Our local partner, Vida, passionately advocates for good health and well-being of women and their babies. Vida’s main objective is to walk with women through trials and tribulations by offering hope and compassion. Vida continue to expand and improve our services so that no man or woman feels alone and unsupported when facing challenges related to an unplanned pregnancy or parenting an infant or small children under challenging circumstances.

If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities please contact Annika Leon at 267.679.6430 or Britta Hinten at 937-825-8394 or 920-284-0184.

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