A Night of Worship & Prayer
Join us on Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30PM for a night of worship and prayer for the whole family!

Serve at Pillars!
We will be serving a hot meal and a friendly smile at Pillars Shelter on Thursday, March 27 from 4:30-7PM.
From homelessness to coming home, Pillars provides shelter, support, and solutions to address the housing needs in our community.
We serve this meal at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of each month. If you’re willing and able to step up and help lend a hand to your community you can register to serve by clicking the button below!
We will be rotating serving sites throughout the year on the following days:
March 27
April 24
May 22
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 25
October 23
November 27
December 25
Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

Lent Service
Join us for a special Lent Service!
Lent is a 40 day period that leads up to Easter.
It gives us a great opportunity to carve out some time to cultivate our souls so that Easter takes on a different depth of meaning for us through the work that God has been doing in us.
Check out this book - “40 Days of Decrease by Dr. Alicia Britt Chole."
Each day has a short devotional and a passage of scripture for you and invites you to give up something for the day.
It's not just giving up things like designer coffee or your time on social media. It's mostly areas that are heart fast — like apathy, unforgiveness, resentment or comparing ourselves to others.
If we decrease in these areas, we can increase our connection with Christ!
During these next six weeks leading up to Easter, we're going to be walking through some issues of our heart that need to decrease and downshift so that Christ can increase in our lives!
So to prepare for the next week,
1) pop this book in your shopping cart
2) come to our special Lent Service on March 5 at 6:30PM
3) and get ready to begin our new series “Downshift” which will begin on Sunday, March 9 at our regular 8:30 and 10AM services!
Watch this special invitation from Gary by clicking the image below!

Budget Workshop
One definition of the word "budget" is: "an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future," and so often people view budgeting as this restrictive way of living. However, that does not have to be the case!
Join us for this two-session class on Sunday, January 5 (part one) and Sunday, January 12 (part two) from 9:30 - 11AM. This two-session class will help you view budgeting as a freeing experience! Learn how it can help you experience life and not feel guilty about spending money.
To register, complete and submit the below form prior to noon on Thursday, January 2.
Space is limited so register today!
Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us if you have any questions.

Online Only Service
Online Only Service!
Pathways Church, on Sunday, December 29, we will be offering online viewing only. Our prayer is that you will use this time at home to connect with your family and/or friends and to draw near to God while being mindful of the miracle God blessed us with by sending his Son to set us free and forever be called his children. You may watch online with us on Facebook, YouTube or our website.
We pray that as you spend time at home you find yourself surrounded by God's presence. So gather your friends and family, prepare your hearts for entering into a new year, and be ready to join us online at 8:30AM or 10AM on December 29!

Serve at Pillars!
We will be serving a hot meal and a friendly smile at Pillars Shelter on Thursday, December 26 from 4:30-7PM.
From homelessness to coming home, Pillars provides shelter, support, and solutions to address the housing needs in our community.
We serve this meal at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of each month. If you’re willing and able to step up and help lend a hand to your community you can register to serve by clicking the button below!
Date: December 26, 2024
Time: 4:30 - 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

Serve at Pillars!
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Date: October 24, 2024
Time: 4:30 - 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

Operation Christmas Child
Pathways Church is partnering with Samaritan’s Purse this holiday season to bring the gospel and a smile to children in need all over the world.
Through an annual outreach event called Operation Christmas Child, we encourage you and your family to fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, clothes, games, etc. that will be sent to children all over the globe! Before each child receives their shoebox, the gospel is shared with them and their families! *A $10 donation per box is needed to help cover shipping costs and can be paid by scanning the QR code on the box.
Shoeboxes will be available for pickup in the lobby on Sundays from Oct. 20 - Nov. 17. If you are unable to make it on Sunday please stop by the church office between 8AM-4PM Monday-Thursday.
The last day to pick up a box is Sunday, Nov 17, with all filled boxes due on or before Thursday, Nov 21.
All boxes are due to be dropped off by Thursday, November 21. Boxes may be brought to the church office building, we are open Monday-Thursday, 8AM-4PM.
Send the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Without Leaving Home!
We get it, the holiday season is BEYOND busy but we know you still want to make a difference so we want to introduce the option to build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox right at home!
Click the “Build a Box Online” button below to get started…just remember this can be done right from the comforts of your couch!
Do you have an Amazon account?
We took the time to create gift wish lists for girls and boys of all ages on Amazon so if you don’t have time to fill a whole shoebox just order supplies for a certain age and all items will be delivered straight to Pathways Church and we’ll fill a box for you! Check out the amazon lists by clicking the “WISH LIST” Box below- enjoy!
About Samaritan’s Purse
The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever we find them. After describing how the Samaritan rescued a hurting man whom others had passed by, Jesus told His hearers, “Go and do likewise.” For over 40 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done our utmost to follow Christ’s command by going to the aid of the world’s poor, sick, and suffering. We are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, earns us a hearing for the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
How to Pack a Shoe Box
Do Not Include:
Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
Can Include:
Start with a quality “wow” item such as a stuffed animal, soccer ball with pump, or clothing outfit that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box. See our gift suggestions according to age and gender listed below for other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to fill the shoebox.
*A $10 donation per box is needed to help cover shipping costs and can be paid by scanning the QR code on the box.

Serve at Pillars!
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Date: August 22
Time: 4:30 - 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

Serve at Pillars!
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Date: June 27th
Time: 4:30 - 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

Serve at Pillars!
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Date: April 25th
Time: 4:30 - 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

Serve at Pillars
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Date: Feb. 22
Time: 4:30 - 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact George Haas (Pathways Volunteer & Team Lead) with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

What is GroupLink?
At Pathways Church, we believe that life is better connected by being part of a Small Group. If you have not found community yet at Pathways, join us for 30 minutes after each service on Sunday, February 11, in room 206 to learn what a Small Group is, how being part of one will help you grow in faith, and what you need to do to step out of the Sunday morning row and into the circle of a Small Group.

Online Only Service
Online Only Service!
Pathways Church, on Sunday, December 31, we will be offering online viewing only. Our prayer is that you will use this time at home to connect with your family and/or friends and to draw near to God while being mindful of the miracle God blessed us with by sending his Son to set us free and forever be called his children. You may watch online with us on Facebook, YouTube or our website.
We pray that as you spend time at home you find yourself surrounded by God's presence. So gather your friends and family, prepare your hearts for entering into a new year, and be ready to join us online at 8:30AM or 10AM on December 31!

Serve at Pillars!
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Date: December 28
Time: 4:30 - 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact George Haas with questions at 920-422-3962 or jhaasj234@gmail.com.

Project Light It Up Food Drive
Pathways, our Project Light it up Food drive competition between Pathways Kids & Students has begun! Pathways kids and students are encouraged to light up the world around them this Christmas season and help stock the shelves for the Freedom Food Pantry in Appleton.
We will be receiving non-perishable food items at the Pathways Project Light It Up booth out in the lobby from November 12-19th.
Please encourage your kids to participate in this local outreach project and let's Light It Up! This is a great way to get your kids and students involved in helping serve those here, there, and everywhere.
Students & kids may drop off non-perishable food items on Wednesdays when they come to attend Pathways Students & ROOTS. Pathways Kids & Students (MVMNT) may drop them off on Sunday mornings or at the office building Mon-Thur. (8AM-4PM)

Serve at Pillars!
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of: February, April, June, August, October and December. This volunteer opportunity involves serving a meal at the shelter and offering a friendly smile to those you are serving.
Date: Thursday, August 24
Time: 4:30PM to 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact Angela Pierce with questions at angela_pierce21@yahoo.com.

Worship Night
Mark your calendars for Friday, August 18 at 6PM for a night of prayer and worship for the whole family!
This will be a time dedicated specifically to worship through music and prayer; it’s a time to gather together in song, giving all glory and honor to our God. It’s a unique, free, and life-giving event!
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20
There will be no separate Pathways kids worship or childcare so we invite all your kiddos to join us in the auditorium for a night of praise and worship.

Worship Night
Mark your calendars for Friday, April 28 at 6PM for a night of prayer and worship.
We want to join together in God’s presence and praise the name of the One True King. Come and express a joyful noise for our King of Kings.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20
Pathways Kids will simultaneously be hosting a worship night for elementary age children so that they can sing and worship at the same time as their parents are! *Children’s programming will available for preschool (ages 2-5) but not babies at this time. They are welcome to join us in the auditorium!

Serve at Pillars!
Join us in serving at Pillars on the fourth Thursday of the months of: April, June, August and October.
There are three options for volunteering:
1. Serving the meal at the shelter.
2. Donating a meal to be served.
3. Both serve and donate food.
Date: Thursday, April 27
Time: 4:30PM to 7PM
Location: Pillars, 400 N. Division St., Appleton, WI
Contact Angela Pierce with questions at angela_pierce21@yahoo.com. *Please indicate your preference for serving on the sign up form.

Project Feed More
Come and be part of an initiative to help feed those in need! 275 volunteers are needed on Saturday, April 22. This event is for ages 6 and up and could be a wonderful family event! All the meals will go to multiple local food pantries, including Freedom Food Pantry and global missions partners!

Men's Axe Throwing Event
If you've never made it out to Appleton Axe, or if you have and had such a great time that you want to go again, here is your chance! Grab that favorite flannel, invite your friends, and make plans to join other men of Pathways Church for a night of fun. In addition to the main event of throwing axes, there are other games like shuffle board and cornhole to enjoy (as well as some grub!). Register today!
Who: Men
When: Friday, March 10 at 7PM
Where: 1400 W. College Ave., STE B1, Appleton.
Cost: $25

Budget Workshop
"One definition of the word "budget" is: "an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future," and so often people view budgeting as this restrictive way of living. However, that does not have to be the case!
Join us for this two week class on Wednesday, December 7 (part one) and Wednesday, December 14 (part two) from 6:30 - 7:40PM. This two week class will help you view budgeting as a freeing experience! Learn how it can help you experience life and not feel guilty about spending money.
To register, complete and submit the below form prior to noon on Monday, December 5.
We hope to have limited spaces available for childcare.
Space is limited so register today!
Email tammym@pathwayschurch.us if you have any questions.

Project Light It Up Food Drive
Pathways, our Project Light it up Food drive competition between Pathways Kids & Students has begun! Pathways kids and students are encouraged to light up the world around them this Christmas season and help stock the shelves for the Freedom Food Pantry in Appleton.
We will be receiving non-perishable food items at the Pathways Project Light It Up booth out in the lobby through Nov. 27.
Please encourage your kids to participate in this local outreach project and let's Light It Up! This is a great way to get your kids and students involved in helping serve those here, there and everywhere.
Students & kids may drop off non-perishable food items on Wednesday’s when they come to attend Pathways Students & ROOTS. Pathways Kids & Students (MVMNT) may drop them off on Sunday mornings or at the office building Mon-Thur. (8AM-4PM)

Project Light It Up- Operation Christmas Child
All boxes are due to be dropped off by Thursday, November 17. Boxes may be brought to the church office building, we are open Monday-Thursday, 8AM-4PM.
Pathways Church is partnering with Samaritan’s Purse this holiday season to bring the gospel and a smile to children in need all over the world.
Through an annual outreach event called Operation Christmas Child, we encourage you and your family to fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, clothes, games, etc. that will be sent to children all over the globe! Before each child receives their shoebox, the gospel is shared with them and their families! *A $10 donation per box is recommended to help cover shipping costs.
Shoeboxes will be available for pickup in the lobby on Sundays from Oct. 23- Nov. 13. If you are unable to make it on Sunday please stop by the church office between 8AM-4PM Monday-Thursday.
The last day to pick up a box is Sunday, Nov 6, with all filled boxes due on or before Thursday, Nov 17.
Send the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Without Leaving Home!
We get it, the holiday season is BEYOND busy but we know you still want to make a difference so we want to introduce the option to build an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox right at home!
Click the “Build a Box Online” button below to get started…just remember this can be done right from the comforts of your couch!
Do you have an Amazon account?
We took the time to create gift wish lists for girls and boys of all ages on Amazon so if you don’t have time to fill a whole shoebox just order supplies for a certain age and all items will be delivered straight to Pathways Church and we’ll fill a box for you! Check out the amazon lists by clicking the “WISH LIST” Box below- enjoy!
About Samaritan’s Purse
The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever we find them. After describing how the Samaritan rescued a hurting man whom others had passed by, Jesus told His hearers, “Go and do likewise.” For over 40 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done our utmost to follow Christ’s command by going to the aid of the world’s poor, sick, and suffering. We are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, earns us a hearing for the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
How to Pack a Shoe Box
Do Not Include:
Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
Can Include:
Start with a quality “wow” item such as a stuffed animal, soccer ball with pump, or clothing outfit that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box. See our gift suggestions according to age and gender listed below for other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to fill the shoebox.
*A $10 donation per box is recommended to help cover shipping costs.

Worship Night
Mark your calendars for Friday, October 14 at 6PM for a night of prayer and worship.
This worship night will be a time to focus on worshiping with, and praying for our families. So invite all the family friends you can think of! We would love to pray for them.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20
Pathways Kids will simultaneously be hosting a worship night for elementary age children so that they can sing and worship at the same time as their parents are! *Children’s programming will be available for preschool (ages 2-5) but not babies at this time. They are welcome to join us in the auditorium!

Community isn’t just a nice option; it’s a need – like food, water, and shelter. God created in us a need for Him and for other people. To help you find that community, we would like to invite you to the Pathways Church GroupLink event.
What is GroupLink?
GroupLink is an event where you can meet the people you will be joining for our 4WK small group session meeting during the month of October for our Arrows Series! You can also use this time to find people in a similar stage of life and area of town with the goal of joining a Small Group for the October small group sessions.
When and Where is the GroupLink event?
GroupLink will be held at Pathways Church on Sunday, October 9, following both the 8:30AM & 10AM services.
We look forward to seeing you there -- life is better connected!

Message series based on series message “Reroute - Embracing Disruptions”
What do you do when things don't go according to your plan? Retreat? Reroute? What if you embraced the disruption and chose to reroute according to God's plan?
To help you navigate the disruptions that come across your path, we invite you to participate in our Spring 4WK Small Group Session. Using discussion questions, these groups will take a deeper dive into the messages given on April 24, May 01, 08, and 15.
You can sign up online by clicking the Register Here button below.
Groups will be meeting at church on various times and days as well as at various locations throughout the Fox Valley.
Each group will be going through a set of discussion questions built around diving deeper into the Sunday Message.
Thank you for taking the step from the Row to the Circle for this four-week Small Group session. If you have any questions, or would like to form your own group, please email tammym@pathwayschurch.us.
Our next 4WK Small Group Session will be in Fall 2022!

Project Feed More
Come and be part of an initiative to help feed those in need! 250 volunteers are needed on Saturday, April 9. This event is for ages 6 and up and could be a wonderful family event! You have the option to choose between two different shifts.
All the meals will go to multiple local food pantries, including Freedom Food Pantry and global missions partners!
This year our goal is to package 100,000 meals!
Date of Event: Saturday April 9, 2022
Time of Event: 1st shift - 9:00am to noon. Check in begins at 8:30.
2nd shift is 1pm to 4pm. Check in begins at 12:30 pm.
Sign Up to Serve
Please register by clicking the button below. Thank you to our amazing church body for volunteering to serve at Project Feed More!
Please complete this registration form for an individual, family or small group.
““For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”.”
Voluntary Donation
Pathways Church has budgeted funds to cover the cost of the entire event. At a cost of $.25 per meal, that is a total of $25,000.
We continue to pray for the event to grow in the future. We also desire to not further burden the church budget as we see this outreach grow. Thus, we are again offering the opportunity for attenders and volunteers to donate for next year's event (2023).
If you are interested, please click on the link below to access PushPay. Be sure to mention the memo area indicating “Project Feed More”.
PushPay Link: Donate Here
Checks are also accepted with a note in the memo area indicating “Project Feed More”.

Worship Night
Mark your calendars for Friday, March 18 at 6PM for a night of prayer and worship.
This worship night will be a time spent singing and praising our Lord together, in community. This night is more than singing songs together. The goal of this night is to glorify God in all ways.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20
Pathways Kids will simultaneously be hosting a worship night for elementary age children so that they can sing and worship at the same time as their parents are! *Children’s programming will available for preschool (ages 2-5) but not babies at this time. They are welcome to join us in the auditorium!

Message series based on series message “Just Google It”
Join other Pathways Church attenders the weeks of February 6, 13, 20 & 27, as we take a deeper dive into the weekend’s message and learn together how to differentiate between how the world searches for answered and how Children of Christ search for them.
You can sign up online by clicking the Register Here button below.
Groups will be meeting at church on various times and days as well as at various locations throughout the Fox Valley.
Each group will be going through a set of discussion questions built around diving deeper into the Sunday Message.