Filtering by: “Middle School”

Pathways Students | Winter Camp
to Feb 9

Pathways Students | Winter Camp

Pathways Students' 2025 Winter Retreat will be taking place on February 7-9! This event is open to all current 6th-12th graders.

We will depart from Pathways at 3PM on Friday, and we will return Sunday evening around 4PM. This weekend experience will feature engaging sessions and a variety of games and activities. This is a great time for students to get plugged in and form friendships.

This year, our theme is "Sorry, Not Sorry: Speaking Into Culture With Grace and Truth." We will explore how students can navigate difficult conversations with their peers, and offer the hope of Jesus to the world around them. 

Date: Feb. 7-9th, 2025

Location: Expeditions Unlimited - Baraboo, WI

Registration has closed for this year. Be on the lookout for info about our summer camp!

Students can bring a friend (who does not have a home church) for free! Use the link below!

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Online Only Service

Online Only Service

Online Only Service!

Pathways Church, on Sunday, December 29, we will be offering online viewing only. Our prayer is that you will use this time at home to connect with your family and/or friends and to draw near to God while being mindful of the miracle God blessed us with by sending his Son to set us free and forever be called his children. You may watch online with us on Facebook, YouTube or our website.

We pray that as you spend time at home you find yourself surrounded by God's presence. So gather your friends and family, prepare your hearts for entering into a new year, and be ready to join us online at 8:30AM or 10AM on December 29!

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Next Generation Fall Kickoff Dates!
to Sep 11

Next Generation Fall Kickoff Dates!

Join us for an electrifying week of Fall Kickoff events for ages kindergarten through 23! Check out the dates below to see when all of our next-generation ministries will kick off for the fall.

Have Questions? Contact information for each ministry is listed below.

Young Adults & High School | Pastor TJ Norman | Tj.Norman@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 125

Middle School & MVMNT | Pastor Jake Collins | Jake.Collins@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 101

Pathways Kids | Rebecca Pettit | Rebecca.Pettit@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 106

ROOTS | Kelsey Smajda | Kelsey.Smajda@pathwayschurch.us | 920.735.0422 ext. 113 | REGISTER HERE

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No Student or Young Adult Programming
to May 29

No Student or Young Adult Programming

High School students will not be meeting on Sunday, May 26th. We’ll see all high school students on Sunday, June 2 for a normal Pathways Students night at 6:30 PM!

Pathways Young Adults will not be meeting on Monday, May 27th but we look forward to seeing all 18 - 23 year-olds at our Young Adults hangout on June 3!

Middle School students will not be meeting on Wednesday, May 29th. We’ll see all middle school students on Wednesday, June 5 for a normal Pathways Students night at 6:30PM for Color Wars!

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Pathways Students | Winter Retreat
to Feb 11

Pathways Students | Winter Retreat

Pathways Students' 2024 Winter Retreat will be taking place on February 9-11th! This event is open to all current 6th-12th graders. We will depart from Pathways at 3PM on Friday, and we will return Sunday evening around 4PM. This weekend experience will feature engaging sessions and a variety of games and activities. This is a great time for students to get plugged in and form friendships. This year, our theme is "Sorry, Not Sorry: Speaking Into Culture With Grace and Truth." We will explore how students can navigate difficult conversations with their peers, and offer the hope of Jesus to the world around them. 

Date: Feb. 9-11, 2024

Location: Expeditions Unlimited - Baraboo, WI

Early Bird Cost - $115

Cost After Jan. 14 - $135 (Deadline to Register is Jan. 28)

Students can bring a friend (who does not have a home church) for free! Use the link below!

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Online Only Service

Online Only Service

Online Only Service!

Pathways Church, on Sunday, December 31, we will be offering online viewing only. Our prayer is that you will use this time at home to connect with your family and/or friends and to draw near to God while being mindful of the miracle God blessed us with by sending his Son to set us free and forever be called his children. You may watch online with us on Facebook, YouTube or our website.

We pray that as you spend time at home you find yourself surrounded by God's presence. So gather your friends and family, prepare your hearts for entering into a new year, and be ready to join us online at 8:30AM or 10AM on December 31!

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No MVMNT or Pathways Students Programming

No MVMNT or Pathways Students Programming

Pathways Students High School & MVMNT we will not be meeting on Sunday, December 24th but please take some time to review the Christmas devotional below as a family!

Students Devotional


At the time when Jesus was born, life for shepherds was hard. Their days and nights were spent in the dreary routine of taking care of sheep. Society looked down on them as lowlifes and scoundrels. They had little reason to be joyful.

But shepherds were the ones to whom the angel brought the good news that would cause great joy: A Savior had been born! It was God’s way of saying that he identifies with the down and out, the outcasts of society, the undesirables. And on that night, whatever darkness they were facing was transformed into the most beautiful light they’d ever seen, as the angels of heaven joined in singing, “Glory to God in the highest. . . .” For those shepherds out in the fields of Bethlehem, life would never be the same.

Perhaps on this Christmas Day you are finding it difficult to feel joy. Perhaps there is an empty chair at your table. Perhaps you’re thinking about a family member who has turned away from the Lord or is no longer a part of your life. Perhaps you have been diagnosed with a terrible illness. Whatever the reason, you don’t feel like celebrating.

If so, the Christmas message is for you. There is good news with great joy also for you. Why? Because the Savior came to make things right. He came to heal the brokenhearted, to bring light into your darkness.


Father in heaven, help us to catch a glimpse of the light the Savior came to bring. We ask this in his name. Amen.

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No Pathways Students or ROOTS Programming

No Pathways Students or ROOTS Programming

Pathways Students & Pathways Kids ROOTS we will not be meeting on Wednesday, December 27th but please take some time to review the Christmas devotional below as a family!

Kids Devotional

Bible Readings

Take a few minutes to read the Bible verses listed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in how this verse applies to you this week.

Acts 22:1-21

Memory Verse

Romans 10:13

All who call out to the Lord will be saved. (CEV)


Have you ever had a big problem that you couldn’t fix on your own? Maybe you got a bad grade in school or you messed up and caused a sibling to get hurt. Who helped you understand that what you had done was wrong? Maybe your teacher explained the right answers for the assignment, or your parents showed you how misbehavior can affect other people.

Paul made the worst choices and messed up in a huge way. In Acts 22, Paul tells his life story about how even though he used to put people who loved Jesus in jail, Jesus still saved him. Of course, you haven’t done the incredibly bad things Paul did, but no one- not Paul... not you...not me- can earn God's forgiveness. Just as Jesus had done for Paul, he helps us recognize our sin. It’s Jesus who can pay the price. Remember the Christmas story: God sent Jesus to pay for all the wrong that we’ve done.

So what do we do now? In thankfulness for God’s forgiveness and Jesus’ sacrifice, Christians are called to spread the good news about God’s mercy. Be patient with family and friends, and forgive those who cause trouble for you. By showing patience and forgiveness to others, you can help your family and friends celebrate a peaceful Christmas and focus on its true meaning: the birth of Jesus, God's merciful gift to the world.


Dear Merciful God, thank you for sending Jesus as your gift to the world. Help me to remember to share the good news with others, and to be merciful just as you are merciful to me. Amen.

Students Devotional


At the time when Jesus was born, life for shepherds was hard. Their days and nights were spent in the dreary routine of taking care of sheep. Society looked down on them as lowlifes and scoundrels. They had little reason to be joyful.

But shepherds were the ones to whom the angel brought the good news that would cause great joy: A Savior had been born! It was God’s way of saying that he identifies with the down and out, the outcasts of society, the undesirables. And on that night, whatever darkness they were facing was transformed into the most beautiful light they’d ever seen, as the angels of heaven joined in singing, “Glory to God in the highest. . . .” For those shepherds out in the fields of Bethlehem, life would never be the same.

Perhaps on this Christmas Day you are finding it difficult to feel joy. Perhaps there is an empty chair at your table. Perhaps you’re thinking about a family member who has turned away from the Lord or is no longer a part of your life. Perhaps you have been diagnosed with a terrible illness. Whatever the reason, you don’t feel like celebrating.

If so, the Christmas message is for you. There is good news with great joy also for you. Why? Because the Savior came to make things right. He came to heal the brokenhearted, to bring light into your darkness.


Father in heaven, help us to catch a glimpse of the light the Savior came to bring. We ask this in his name. Amen.

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Pathways Students DEEP DIVE | Winter Retreat
to Jan 8

Pathways Students DEEP DIVE | Winter Retreat

Registration is CLOSED.

Pathways Students’ 2023 Winter Retreat is happening for grades 6th-12th! We will depart from Pathways Church at 3pm on Friday and return Sunday evening. There will be engaging sessions and a wide range of activities including broom-ball, tubing, hiking, gym games, and more. This is a great opportunity for students to get plugged in and form friendships. Most importantly, Deep Dive will challenge students to "dive deeper" into their relationship with Jesus.

Date: January 6-8, 2022

Location: Expeditions Unlimited, Baraboo, WI

Early Bird Cost: $115
Cost after December 1st: $135

Students can bring a friend along for free! (Register them below!)

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Pathways Students Winter Camp!
to Jan 9

Pathways Students Winter Camp!

This will be the best weekend of your Winter GUARANTEED! With awesome messages, spirit filled worship, broom ball, sledding, and hiking this will be an amazing experience! Students will leave Friday evening (from Pathways Church @ 3PM) and return Sunday evening.

Location: Expeditions Unlimited, Baraboo, WI

***Will be leaving from Pathways Church at 3PM!***


Students can bring a friend along for free! (Contact Pastor Michael if interested)


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No Pathways Students Tonight

No Pathways Students Tonight

Pathways Students we will not be meeting tonight but please take some time to review the Christmas devotional below.

A God of Promises (ROOTED)

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)

Christmas is supposed to be a joyful season where Jesus is exalted. Unfortunately, the season can be a painful, stressful, and lonely time for many. From disappointment in our relationships with family and friends to experiencing sickness and death, the holidays can subtly highlight the brokenness of our world and our lives. But Christmas reminds us that we can take comfort and find hope in a Savior – a Savior God promised us from the very beginning.

All the brokenness that we experience and feel can be traced back to Eden. In the garden, when sin entered the world, God was there. Immediately after darkness broke in, God made a promise to one day overcome it. Before addressing Adam and Eve, God offered a few words to the serpent who tempted them: “He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” This is not describing a battle between humans and snakes; it is a whisper of a Savior.

We see and feel the traces of sin everywhere. Sin separates us from who we are meant to be; sin separates us from other people; and worst of all, sin separates us from God. Sin is the problem and the serpent wants us to continue in it forever. As we battle with sin and Satan, we need victory because – in case you haven’t noticed – we cannot save ourselves; that’s what Christmas is all about.

Jesus was born into the world to die. As we learn in Genesis 3, from the seed of Adam and Eve will come a Messiah who will bruise the head of the serpent as the serpent bruises His heel. From the offspring of Adam and Eve, Jesus came to crush sin and Satan as He was bruised on the cross. He turned the prophecy from Genesis 3 into a reality. Jesus came to give us comfort and hope, not just in His birth but in His death.

Christmas can be a difficult time, especially if you are dealing with the heartaches of sin and darkness both in others and yourself. When you spend time with friends and family, it can feel like things will never get better. When you reflect on the year, you may feel like a failure, burned out, or maybe drifting deeper into sin. Christmas is not God telling us to toughen up, try harder, or be better, but to remember that God himself came down to earth to do all that heavy lifting for us. God saw our sin and the sins of the world and sent Jesus to save, forgive, and be victorious. No matter what we are going through this Christmas, we can rest and rejoice in Jesus.

Questions for Further Reflection

  1. What areas of brokenness are highlighted for you this holiday season?

  2. What parts of your life seem beyond rescue?

  3. How can you intentionally remember, rest, and rejoice, that there is nothing so dark that Jesus can’t and hasn’t already overcome?

Closing Prayer

Father, we thank you for Jesus, that from the beginning you knew we needed a Savior to rescue us from our sin. Help us to remember Jesus during this season and to rest and rejoice in what He has done for us.

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