Join us for a special Lent Service!
Lent is a 40 day period that leads up to Easter.
It gives us a great opportunity to carve out some time to cultivate our souls so that Easter takes on a different depth of meaning for us through the work that God has been doing in us.
Check out this book - “40 Days of Decrease by Dr. Alicia Britt Chole."
Each day has a short devotional and a passage of scripture for you and invites you to give up something for the day.
It's not just giving up things like designer coffee or your time on social media. It's mostly areas that are heart fast — like apathy, unforgiveness, resentment or comparing ourselves to others.
If we decrease in these areas, we can increase our connection with Christ!
During these next six weeks leading up to Easter, we're going to be walking through some issues of our heart that need to decrease and downshift so that Christ can increase in our lives!
So to prepare for the next week,
1) pop this book in your shopping cart
2) come to our special Lent Service on March 5 at 6:30PM
3) and get ready to begin our new series “Downshift” which will begin on Sunday, March 9 at our regular 8:30 and 10AM services!