Women's Connection Night
Join us for our ONE YEAR anniversary of Women's Connection Nights!
March 31, 2025 from 7-9PM at Rolling Thunder Lanes at 934 Byrd Avenue, Neenah.
Pre-registration is required for bowling (no charge if you are just coming to hang out).
It's going to be such a fun night of connection! We will also have delicious treats by Rosie's Sweet Treats!

Women's Connection Night
The women of Pathways are invited to join us for a night of creating connections & building community as we kick off the new year!
We have a great evening planned for Monday, January 27, starting at 7PM at Pathways Church. We hope to see you there!
Our Women’s Connection Nights are reoccurring on the last Monday of every month, so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Christmas Eve at Pathways Church
Signs. There are signs all around us, we live in a world of noise from signs along the highway promoting a business or service, to a street sign telling you which direction to go. During the Christmas season, we have to filter out even more noise from the signs around us telling us to buy this or that, find a tree lot here, or where to take a picture with Santa. Let's stop for a moment and ponder the question, "What are you looking for?" Do you know what signs God is sending you and what they mean?
Join us at Pathways Church at either 12PM, 2PM or 4PM as we worship the birth of our Savior and see what signs we should be looking out for moving forward.

Women’s IF:Tables
When you think of inviting people to join you around your table, who comes to mind? More importantly, who do you hope will be sitting at your table in heaven in the presence of Jesus?
If the busyness of life gets in the way of your relationships with others and your Savior, join us for the Women's Connection Night on Friday, November 1 for our annual fall IF:Tables where we will discuss how to overcome the challenges of a busy life.
When: Friday, November 1
Arrival Time: 6-6:30PM
End Time: 8:30PM
Where: Pathways Church
Registration is currently closed.

Women's Connection Night
The women of Pathways are invited to join us for a night of creating connections, building community & axe throwing! We have a great evening planned for Monday, September 30 starting at 7PM at Appleton Axe, and whether you’d like to throw axes or just hang out we hope to see you there! Register below and if you plan to throw axes please complete the waiver.
Cost: $20
Time: 7-9PM
If you would just like to hang out, great! Please still register below.
This connection night will be recurring on the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.
P.S. There will be no Women's Connection Night in October, plan to join us at IF:Tables on November 1!

Women's Connection Night
The women of Pathways are invited to join us for a night of creating connections & building community. We have a great evening planned for Monday, August 26 starting at 7PM at Pathways Church, and we hope to see you there!
This connection night will be recurring on the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Women's Connection Outdoor Worship Night
What better way to unite as sisters in Christ than to gather together in worship? We have a beautiful evening planned for Monday, July 29 starting at 7PM at Pathways Church, and we hope to see you there!
This worship night will be outdoors so please bring a lawn chair!
Although it is not required, we ask that you please pre-register.
This connection night will be recurring on the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Women’s Connection Night
Join the women of Pathways for an evening dedicated to serving Pathway’s Kids as we prepare materials for the upcoming Adventure Camp. Plus, enjoy refreshments from the Little Birdies Coffee Truck right onsite!
7-9PM, Monday, June 24
Van Zeeland Nursery | 2600 N Casaloma Dr, Appleton, WI 54913
This connection night will be recurring the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar! To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Women’s Connection Night
In May, our Connection Night will be moving to a NEW location - The Van Zeeland Nursery! In addition to our time of gathering for connection, we have partnered with Branching Out & Co for an optional bouquet-making activity. Registration is NOT required to attend the Connections Night but is required to participate in the bouquet-making class.
To participate in the bouquet-making class, the cost is $40 and the start time is 6:30PM. The class is limited to 30 and you must be 18 to participate. Pre-register for the class is required and you can register by clicking the link below.
If you will NOT be signing up for the class portion of the evening, there is no pre-registration required and the arrival time is 7PM.
If you have any questions, please email Mandy at jmstambuk@gmail.com.

Women’s Connection Night
No matter what season of life you are in, we want to create a space where you feel seen and valued! Please join us for a night of connection at il Bar in Kimberly, it will be a time for community, great conversation, and lasting memories. This connection night will be recurring the last Monday of the month so mark your calendar!
7-9PM, Monday, April 29
il Bar Coffeehouse & Bistro | 100 S Birch St Suite A, Kimberly, WI 54136
To learn more about this monthly gathering and to receive updates via text messaging, register below.

Small Group
If you are looking to grow in your faith while fostering relationships, this five-week Small Group is for you!
During the first session, we will take the time to get to know one another, and then weeks two through five, we will be going through the Derwin Gray RightNow Media study called "Holy Habits."
Leaders: Charles and Kaitlyn Behrmann
Dates: February 4, 11, 18, 25, and March 3
Time: 9:40 - 11 AM
Place: Room 208
Childcare: Pathways Kids
Email questions to tammym@pathwayschurch.us.

Christmas Eve at Pathways Church
We gather as a church family around the manager ...to kneel in awe of a baby whose name is paramount and above all names. To be enveloped by the Prince of Peace that disrupts the chaos. Where the empty and powerless are infused with hope by a Mighty God. Come face to face and worship The Name. We will be hosting 3 Christmas Eve services, 10AM, 12PM, 2PM. You may join us with friends & family onsite or online!

GroupLink Meet & Greet
Life is Better Connected
Joining a Small Group is a great way to make personal connections in the Pathways Church community. To help you find your best fit, stop by our GroupLink event anytime between 8:30 and 11:30 AM on Sunday, October 8 in rooms 206 & 208.
At the event, you will have the chance to meet some Small Group Leaders and members to learn about specific groups and ask any questions you might have, all while enjoying a treat from a local bakery. To add to the fun, there will be some prize give-a-ways too!
Not sure what a Small Group is? CLICK HERE to get your questions answered!