Join us for our Good Friday service!

Friday, April 18 | 6PM

During our time together we will remember the day Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. The sacrifice that forever allowed us the hope of eternity.

This service will be a time for us all to join together in communion, remembering what Jesus did for us with worship and a special message from Pastor Gary.

Join us for our Easter Sunday celebration!

Sunday, April 20 | 8:30 & 10AM

“And they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.” Mark 16:3-4

The Stone Has Been Rolled Away

Join us this Easter Sunday as we gather to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This year, we will center our hearts and minds around the powerful moment when the stone that sealed the tomb was miraculously rolled away.

Just as the women approached the tomb in uncertainty, asking, “Who will roll the stone away for us?” they were greeted by the unimaginable: the stone had already been moved.

The tomb was empty, and Jesus had risen! This miraculous moment symbolizes not just the triumph over death, but the hope and new life that we are given through Christ’s resurrection.

On this joyful day, we will reflect on the significance of this event—how the stone, once a barrier between despair and hope, has been moved by God’s power, opening the way for us to experience His love, grace, and eternal life. Together, we will lift our voices in praise, worship, and thanksgiving for the victory that Jesus secured for us on the cross and through His resurrection.

What are the stones in our lives?

Pastor Gary will deliver a special message about the stones in our lives and the power God has to move them. Come with expectant hearts to witness the joy of Easter and embrace the life-giving power of Jesus’ resurrection.

Bring your family and friends as we celebrate the greatest miracle of all—the stone has been rolled away, and Jesus is alive!

Are you ready to get baptized?

We will have baptisms at both our 8:30 and 10AM Easter services!

Baptism is such an important and wonderful time in your spiritual journey, and we want to help you experience the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism is a significant experience flowing forth from a living, loving relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior. Jesus is the very life of God Himself and baptism is a reflection of His life in you.

We see baptism as an act of obedience to the teaching and example of Jesus. It is a public announcement of a new association. 

We’d like to prepare for you with a t-shirt in your size to wear during baptism and to keep.

Please register by clicking the button above.

Please make sure to read the “Baptism Q&A” document above and bring two towels (one to stand on while you change after the baptism), swimsuit and shorts (you can wear your baptism t-shirt over your swimsuit -- PLEASE be modest), and a bag to put wet clothes/towels in afterwards. 

If you have any questions, email Tammy Mostrom at


Click on any of the photos below to download and share on your social media to invite your friends and family!

Not sure how to start a conversation about sending an invite? We can help!

Below you can find several examples on how to initiate an invite for Easter or any other Sunday. You can copy and paste them into a text, email or social media message.

Example #1:

Hey! I’m up at Pathways church today and they just announced all they’re doing on Easter Sunday. Sounds like it’s going to be amazing. Does your family have plans this Easter?

Example #2

Hey I’m at Pathways church this morning. Is there anything I can be praying for you about? 🙏

Example #3

Hey I’m at Pathways church and they just talked about what we’re doing for Easter. Does your family already have Easter plans?

Example #4

Easter Sunday is next week! Do you guys have plans? I’d love for you to come to Pathways church and lunch with us if you can!