When Jesus Christ was crucified some 2000 years ago, there were only about 120 followers. Today, there are more than 2 billion people in the world who claim to be followers of Jesus. Why did Christianity spread so far and so fast? How did that happen? One of the reasons is that people found hope! Hope in a resurrected savior…

Come celebrate Easter with us as we learn how to be the most hopeful people on planet earth!

We will be hosting 3 Easter services, 8:30AM, 10AM & 11:30AM. You may join us onsite or online!

Children’s programming will only be offered for at the 8:30AM & 10AM services.

To really celebrate new life we will be hosting in-service baptisms for all who wish to proclaim their faith publicly either for the first time or for the first time in a long time. We can’t wait to celebrate the new life Jesus has promised us and celebrate all of you.

Baptisms will be taking place during all three Easter services, 8:30AM, 10AM & 11:30AM.

Baptism is such an important and wonderful time in your spiritual journey, and we want to help you experience the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Click on any of the photos below to download and share on your social media to invite your friends and family!

Not sure how to start a conversation about sending an invite? We can help!

Below you can find several examples on how to initiate an invite for Easter or any other Sunday. You can copy and paste them into a text, email or social media message.

Example #1:

Hey! I’m up at Pathways church today and they just announced all they’re doing on Easter Sunday. Sounds like it’s going to be amazing. Does your family have plans this Easter?

Example #2

Hey I’m at Pathways church this morning. Is there anything I can be praying for you about? 🙏

Example #3

Hey I’m at Pathways church and they just talked about what we’re doing for Easter. Does your family already have Easter plans?

Example #4

Easter Sunday is next week! Do you guys have plans? I’d love for you to come to Pathways church and lunch with us if you don’t.  

Example #5

Easter is this Sunday! You want to come to Pathways church with me?

Example #6

This weekend is one of the most fun for my family, specially our kids! We’d love for you and your kids to join us for Easter this Sunday! Can you make it?

Example #7

Do you have plans this Easter? I’m up at church and they just talked about all they have planned. Sounds like it’s going to be amazing. 

Example #8

Hey [Insert First Name]! I’m sitting in church this morning and realized Easter is only 2 Sundays away. If you don’t have plans, I would love for you to come sit with me at Pathways Church! You free March 31? 

We will be hosting a 6PM service online and in person for Good Friday. During our time together we will remember the day Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. The sacrifice that forever allowed us the hope of eternity.

It will be a beautiful night of worship, a time for us all to join together in communion and hear a message from Pastor Adam. We will see you there, don’t forget to invite a friend!

“From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” Matthew 27:45-46